Sunday 3 August 2014

Tomica Nissan Skyline GT-R Dubai Police

In Feb 2014 to "celebrate" the price increase, TakaraTomy produced a special edition of the Nissan GT-R Dubai Police version.

Limited to 20 000, this exclusive edition will be available through a raffle. From February 1st to March 31st 2014, anyone who sends in 5 proof of purchase to TakaraTomy will be entered in the raffle. This campaign is, of course, offered to Japan residents only.

This exclusives later surface in eBay from a price range of no less than USD150 and price begin to stabilize at USD80. 

We were tempted to have a piece of this exclusive car in our hands when our buddy avid police car collector highlighted there is a Tomica Fair in Singapore on August 3rd 2014 held at United Square. The exclusive edition will be given out for purchases above approx USD65 (S$80) while stock last. 

No one exactly knows how many of these exclusives are available in the fair or it may resurfaced as a gift with purchase in other regions for other passionate GT-R diecast collectors.

We are very lucky to have one to showcase in our blog along with a few VHTF Tomicas in the very near future. Stay Tuned.